COVID Vaccinations - scroll down.


Birkdale Medical has been approved as a vaccination clinic for Pfizer and  Astra Zeneca vaccines.

Type of Vaccine

The vaccines are the Pfizer vaccine given in two doses 3 weeks apart and the AstraZeneca vaccine given in two doses 12 weeks apart.

All persons from 12 years may now choose to have the Pfizer vaccine. The Astra Zeneca vaccine is recommended only for persons 60 years and over.

For information about the Astra Zeneca vaccine, click here: Covid Vaccine Information


Rollout - Your Eligibility

The Astra Zeneca vaccine is available for persons 60 years and older.


  • At Birkdale Medical we consider vaccinations to be essential for preventing illness in children and adults.
  • Routine children's vaccinations are performed by experienced Registered Nurses using free vaccines provided by Queensland Health. A record of children's vaccinations is uploaded to the government vaccine register which is freely accessible to parents.
  • We encourage annual influenza vaccinations. Influenza vaccinations are free of charge for people aged over 65, children aged between 6 months and 5 years and patients with certain chronic medical conditions.
  • For those who do not qualify for a free influenza vaccination the cost is $20.
  • Birkdale Medical also stocks a large range of travel vaccinations in a dedicated vaccine refrigerator. Please consult one of our doctors about your vaccine requirements at least four weeks prior to travel.

  Pros and Cons of Covid Astra Zeneca Vaccine

Should there be an outbreak of the COVID virus, similar to that which the UK experienced in early 2021, the diagram below (published by UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) shows that the benefits of the COVID vaccine clearly outweigh any risks. Please note that increasing age reduces vaccine side effects and further increases benefits of the vaccine, and that the blood clot complication very rarely occurs, with an incidence of 1 case per 100,000 on average.

Please bear in mind that you are not fully protected from the COVID virus until you have the booster dose 12 weeks after the initial dose. While Australia has minimal COVID transmission at present, who can predict what the situation will be in 3 months' time.

The COVID HOTLINE NUMBER is 1800 020 080
The NPS Medicine Wise Adverse Medicine Events line is 1300 134 237

More information is available from the government website:


If you are unsure whether to have the vaccination, do not make a booking at the vaccination clinic.

Any questions or concerns you have should be discussed with your doctor in a one on one appointment. Patients under 60 years should discuss the risks and benefits of the Astra Zeneca vaccine with their doctor before booking.

The vaccine cannot be given if another vaccination eg flu shot has been given within the last 7 days.

The clinic is for vaccination only.


Birkdale Medical Patients

Birkdale Medical will be taking online appointments initially from our registered patients who are in the eligible groups.

This will be done through our Booking Button using our appointuit online booking app.

For our patients who are unable to book online, Birkdale Medical will be able to arrange an appointment for any patients who are currently eligible.

Patients of other surgeries

We have expanded our COVID vaccination program and there are opportunities for eligible patients from other practices to be vaccinated with the Astra Zeneca vaccine.

As you are new to our practice, we will require you to obtain a Health Summary from your doctor, and bring this with your consent form to the appointment.

Bookings are available online using our Appointuit booking system. Click the Book Online Button at the bottom of this page, and follow the prompts. You must bring your Health Summary and completed Consent Form to the vaccination appointment.

Arriving for your appointment


Vaccinations will be bulk billed. If you do not have a Medicare card, then your vaccination will not be able to be carried out at a GP surgery. There are special arrangements for persons without Medicare cards to be vaccinated.

The vaccinating will be done in groups. The whole procedure may take up to an hour, so please bring a book, or your knitting. You will be sitting outside for part of this time, so dress appropriately.

The receptionist will request your completed Consent Form

COVID-19 vaccination – Consent form for COVID-19 vaccination (

Your temperature will be taken, and a wellness check conducted. You will be advised of your second appointment time and date.

After the vaccination, you will need to wait for at least 15 minutes, until checked by the nurse, and allowed to leave.

For proof of your vaccination visit 

Getting help during coronavirus (COVID-19) - How to get proof of your COVID-19 vaccinations - Services Australia

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